(too old to reply)
2003-07-09 03:04:19 UTC
actually, it's a little more interesting than that. she did
mysteriously become far more scarce during the last two months. her
weight also plummeted dramatically from waif to skeleton. then someone
ran across a little article on the internet and posted it to the
amandacam peepingmoes forum:


if you scroll to the bottom, you'll learn that "amanda" is actually a
woman named tiffany who used to be the star of the extreme hardcore
porn site,


her long-dead message board suddenly exploded. people were horrified
that this pretty little anorexic woman with her fluffy dog was posing
for a series of photos involving pulling out her bloody tampon, among
other pretty interesting fetish shots. within 24 hours the message
board was erased and amandacam was gone.

why this is such a big deal is beyond me. porn is porn. whatever. i
actually like her even more now. i just hopes she eats some food
pretty soon.
why was she in the hospital?
Got me....then she went ape shit because people were upset she was
never on camera after she got out of the hospital. I had never seen
her be such a bitch before......she either shut it down or she's back
in the hospital or she's kicked the bucket.
2003-07-09 13:39:15 UTC
On 8 Jul 2003 20:04:19 -0700, ***@yahoo.com (pants) wrote:

I still say she was a "working girl" all through her "cam years".
Post by pants
actually, it's a little more interesting than that. she did
mysteriously become far more scarce during the last two months. her
weight also plummeted dramatically from waif to skeleton. then someone
ran across a little article on the internet and posted it to the
if you scroll to the bottom, you'll learn that "amanda" is actually a
woman named tiffany who used to be the star of the extreme hardcore
porn site,
her long-dead message board suddenly exploded. people were horrified
that this pretty little anorexic woman with her fluffy dog was posing
for a series of photos involving pulling out her bloody tampon, among
other pretty interesting fetish shots. within 24 hours the message
board was erased and amandacam was gone.
why this is such a big deal is beyond me. porn is porn. whatever. i
actually like her even more now. i just hopes she eats some food
pretty soon.
2003-07-13 15:13:24 UTC
This just popped up on the Web

Author: webdaddie
Date: 07-13-03 03:28

Not to rehash everything, seeing that all the editing and censoring
done on "Amanda's", there still seems like there are quite a few of
you still very in the dark about all this. Let me sum it up and dig
around and find an earlier post that explains everything.

Amanda's name is Tiffany. She was shut down by her credit card
processor. That essentially meant no more income and so no more

Tiffany is not dead. Though looking at her forum I did get a laugh out
of the specific edits made to look like that... she's in the hospital
and then poof, gone. You all who missed what was there originally...
well, you really missed some real fun.

Here's my earler post...

Like the guilty pleasure of following a daytime soap, I had to tune
back to read the latest episode in this soon to be deceased forum. It
seems the mystery continues. Tif has still not appeared. A lone
comment from a name never seen here before says your amanda has done
departed. Gone for good.

And then, like a feasting vulture plucking at the eyeballs of freshly
squashed roadkill, webdaddie appears.

I really don't know where your girl has run off to. My guess is she's
sitting out there in the bush reading everything... but I've been
wrong before. So let's toss a match out in the dry grass, set a bit of
a wildfire, and see if we can rustle up some amanda.

If this post is deleted, she left her lair to do it.

Tiffany does deserve some real credit in the conception of Amandacam.
It was to her in 1997 that our old webhost mentioned a new technology
called webcasting. We liked the idea enought to begin putting on live
shows on our little hobby porn site, abbyanduma. Personally, I always
preferred uma's black wig to abby's blonde, so uma won the roll, and
starred in the live webcasts.

As for Amandacam, it was definitely Tif's idea for a website to have a
magazine like cover. That was a great idea from her. I thought it was
fresh, would add built in anticipation, and work collaterally with
monthly memberships. At about this time we started to make some money
on the net. abbyanduma was becoming popular during the first surge of
interest in amateur porn.

The abbyanduma concept, however, was getting boring. Becoming stale.
It was a site I put together to reflect the dual good girl/bad girl
personalities I saw in my girlfriend. It was a site about deception,
two girlfriends, equally sexed but opposite in all other ways, while
actually being portrayed by one, Tiffany. After several million
website hits, only one email I recall ever suspected. He noticed both
girls had strikingly similar looking pussies.

At about this time, for personal reasons, i began to insist on my
living honestly and openly, blatent and guiltless, with as little
facade as possible (don't try this at home kids). Fifteen years in
advertising and a lifetime of lies came to an end. So too did out
little internet lie, AbbyandUma. In it's place, something contrary to
the latest internet trend. Something dangerously honest...

Amandacam was born.

About Tiffany. I have been involved, totally living the business of
authentic voyeurism and exhibitionism for... way too long. I coined
the term lifecams (if that means anything). I cast a dozen voyeur
sites with girls and couples from around the country. Literally
building each web channel by hand, photographing and documenting each
one, running cables in attics, positioning cameras... every fucking
thing. Most of these exhibiting subjects chosen were successful, never
living on camera for less than 16 months and as long as 3 years. By
far, Tiffany on Amandacam was the best, smartest, and most natural. i
know little of Jenni of Jennicam except that I've never met anyone who
can claim the home webcam idea earlier than she. If there's a second
place, however, give it to Tiffany.

When we broke up as a couple and went our own ways, she kept
amandacam. I had built shannacam (with shanna mccullough) by then and
was just about to launch coupletv. I was pretty sure Tiffany would do
fine with amandacam, she hired a webmaster, and by then was answering
her own email (when amandacam started I was unsure what her email
response would be like. to protect tiffany from getting upset or
becoming too self conscious i replied for her). Though I haven't
followed tiffany's online adventures, it's plain to see from her fan
base and link popularity that she completely and totally enveloped the
experience. Reading some of her posts here and search engine caches of
diaries it's hard to say. Did this girl finally evolve into amanda,
leaving tiffany behind? Can anyone live a facade so fully for so long?

That question I have no answer to. It truly bewielders me.

Who is amandaTiffany? I haven't spoken to her since the cops dragged
her away in cuffs in 98. The cat she tried to stab is still alive and
doing well. She does look impossibly thinner, but vomitting is a very
popular means of weight reduction in west hollywood. And I'm happy
that she doesn't drink or do drugs. Washing down vicadens, percacets,
and valium with red wine isn't very healthy. And her successful
transition into the girl next door? ...well even girls next door
occassionally sell their tampons to the highest bidder.

Don't they?


Theodoric of York, Medieval Barber
2003-07-21 21:05:49 UTC
Post by WolfPaw
This just popped up on the Web
Author: webdaddie
Date: 07-13-03 03:28
Not to rehash everything, seeing that all the editing and censoring
done on "Amanda's", there still seems like there are quite a few of
you still very in the dark about all this. Let me sum it up and dig
around and find an earlier post that explains everything.
Amanda's name is Tiffany. She was shut down by her credit card
processor. That essentially meant no more income and so no more
I find this hard to believe. I know paypal and the like were trying
to stop their use for "porn", but ccbill et. al. seem to be going
strong. I do not believe MC and Visa have any problems with "porn"
per se. I wonder what she did to actually get her credit card
processor to shut her down. About the only thing I can think of that
would cause that is actual credit card fraud. I find that hard to
I can't believe her site would've been shutdown because her credit
card processor simply because of "porn"; banks make quite a bit off
credit card transactions for porn, and it's doubtful they would kill a
revenue stream like porn purchasers. Same goes for processors like
CCBill. Hell, one of the main reasons you haen't seen someone like
John Ashcroft go on a major antiporn crusade is the money banks are
making off it.

If her credit card processor shut her down, it almost certainly wasn't
because of content.
2003-07-21 22:50:15 UTC
Post by Theodoric of York, Medieval Barber
Post by WolfPaw
This just popped up on the Web
Author: webdaddie
Date: 07-13-03 03:28
Not to rehash everything, seeing that all the editing and censoring
done on "Amanda's", there still seems like there are quite a few of
you still very in the dark about all this. Let me sum it up and dig
around and find an earlier post that explains everything.
Amanda's name is Tiffany. She was shut down by her credit card
processor. That essentially meant no more income and so no more
I find this hard to believe. I know paypal and the like were trying
to stop their use for "porn", but ccbill et. al. seem to be going
strong. I do not believe MC and Visa have any problems with "porn"
per se. I wonder what she did to actually get her credit card
processor to shut her down. About the only thing I can think of that
would cause that is actual credit card fraud. I find that hard to
I can't believe her site would've been shutdown because her credit
card processor simply because of "porn"; banks make quite a bit off
credit card transactions for porn, and it's doubtful they would kill a
revenue stream like porn purchasers. Same goes for processors like
CCBill. Hell, one of the main reasons you haen't seen someone like
John Ashcroft go on a major antiporn crusade is the money banks are
making off it.
If her credit card processor shut her down, it almost certainly wasn't
because of content.
The reason a credit card processor will 'shut' someone 'down' is because
of complaints/chargebacks/refunds. If she hasn't been on cam much, it's
the most likely cause. The credit card companies will charge the credit
card processor, who then charges the website manager. It can get to the
point where it's costing more money than it brings it, and they get cut
off. This sort of thing is covered in the terms of service with the
credit card processor. Basically though, if you are a pain in the ass
to Visa and Mastercard, they drop you.
2003-07-13 22:45:22 UTC
i looked at the pics in Amandacam (time ago) and then at the pics in
well, even if Abby's face could remind Amanda's... boys, Abby's tits are
about three times larger than Amanda's! And the same is for her hips, her
legs and even the shape of her pussy...I can hardly imagine they could
probably be the same person!
2003-07-13 23:02:20 UTC
Post by Kino
i looked at the pics in Amandacam (time ago) and then at the pics in
well, even if Abby's face could remind Amanda's... boys, Abby's tits are
about three times larger than Amanda's! And the same is for her hips, her
legs and even the shape of her pussy...I can hardly imagine they could
probably be the same person!
Take a look at the weight difference! "Abby" must weight 20-30 lbs
more than "Amanda". It's the very same person.....so is Uma.
2004-07-16 19:36:07 UTC
For confrimation and for just reviewing the past go to the following web


Then do searches for the following web pages.




If you search long enough you will find pictures of all three taken in the
same apartment. You have to love the magic of the internet.

I miss you Amanda. Hope you are doing well.

Go 'eers
