Re_ Hate group & racists
(too old to reply)
2012-04-03 14:53:15 UTC
My skin is beige .. of course I'm a beige person.
Yes, you are. You're also a white person, a Caucasian person, and if
he'd made a racist comment, it would have been about you being
white. beige definition
boring; insipid. (California. See also vanilla.) (Tulsa. See also
You know John, I don't believe I have ever come across anyone quite
so clueless as this woman, she just fails to see her credibity
disappears with every post she makes.
I bet she would have to study for a blood test.
I know that you, and others, must realize that no matter what you say,
or how you say it, Jenn will spin it to meet her viewpoint and to fit
into her limited world view. She has always done that. Jenn has
never been able to hold her own in a factual debate without become
overly emotional and claiming the world was out to get her. She
enjoys being a victim because she thinks it gives her the freedom to
say the most ridiculous things. It is a total and complete waste of
time to attempt to engage her in conversation.
Oldus Fartus
2012-04-03 15:07:32 UTC
My skin is beige .. of course I'm a beige person.
Yes, you are. You're also a white person, a Caucasian person, and if
he'd made a racist comment, it would have been about you being
white. beige definition
boring; insipid. (California. See also vanilla.) (Tulsa. See also
You know John, I don't believe I have ever come across anyone quite
so clueless as this woman, she just fails to see her credibity
disappears with every post she makes.
I bet she would have to study for a blood test.
I know that you, and others, must realize that no matter what you say,
or how you say it, Jenn will spin it to meet her viewpoint and to fit
into her limited world view. She has always done that. Jenn has
never been able to hold her own in a factual debate without become
overly emotional and claiming the world was out to get her. She
enjoys being a victim because she thinks it gives her the freedom to
say the most ridiculous things. It is a total and complete waste of
time to attempt to engage her in conversation.
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Oldus Fartus