With Thanksgiving in mind
(too old to reply)
2012-11-21 22:57:19 UTC
I've decided to put the "big bird" on a rotisserie this year rather than
just simply roasting him, since "spin" seems to be the way to go this
year. I was going to put the "big bird" in the smoker, but we've had so
much smoke blown up our ass this year, I figured it would be too
redundant. It will only be lightly stuffed this year too, since the "big
bird" and "Herb" seem to have had a falling out.
Stay tuned for exciting vegetable dishes!
I'll be making squash casserole to bring to the family gathering.
Everyone loved it last year, so I've been dubbed the bringer of the
squash again.
2012-11-21 23:07:30 UTC
In article <k8jm87$h7r$***@echo.eternal-september.org>, therealmeforever7
@gmail.com says...
Post by Jenn
I've decided to put the "big bird" on a rotisserie this year rather than
just simply roasting him, since "spin" seems to be the way to go this
year. I was going to put the "big bird" in the smoker, but we've had so
much smoke blown up our ass this year, I figured it would be too
redundant. It will only be lightly stuffed this year too, since the "big
bird" and "Herb" seem to have had a falling out.
Stay tuned for exciting vegetable dishes!
I'll be making squash casserole to bring to the family gathering.
Everyone loved it last year, so I've been dubbed the bringer of the
squash again.
I guess I missed most of the "squash"... but I certainly didn't miss the
"spin"! [g]

Have a great T-Day!
2012-11-22 02:32:28 UTC
I've decided to put the "big bird" on a rotisserie this year rather
than just simply roasting him, since "spin" seems to be the way to go
this year. I was going to put the "big bird" in the smoker, but we've
had so much smoke blown up our ass this year, I figured it would be
too redundant. It will only be lightly stuffed this year too, since
the "big bird" and "Herb" seem to have had a falling out.
Stay tuned for exciting vegetable dishes!
Notice: Changing the toilet paper roll does not cause brain damage.