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(too old to reply)
2012-03-10 18:02:44 UTC
I guess this secret group is about as successful as the two dreamed up
by BD's "friends". [g]
2012-03-10 20:53:25 UTC
I guess this secret group is about as successful as the two dreamed up by
BD's "friends". [g]
I'm not so sure they haven't moved totally off UseNet to some private group
set up by Graham or Hot-Smuck! [g]

No biggie to me, it's their game, I'm just a part of the audience... well,
maybe a heckler in the audience! LOL!
Oldus Fartus
2012-03-12 02:14:21 UTC
Post by RonNNN
Post by Betty
I guess this secret group is about as successful as the two dreamed up
by BD's "friends". [g]
I'm not so sure they haven't moved totally off UseNet to some private
group set up by Graham or Hot-Smuck! [g]
No biggie to me, it's their game, I'm just a part of the audience...
well, maybe a heckler in the audience! LOL!
Oldus Fartus
Oldus Fartus
2012-03-11 04:23:15 UTC
Post by Betty
I guess this secret group is about as successful as the two dreamed up
by BD's "friends". [g]
Oldus Fartus
G. Morgan
2012-03-24 15:49:59 UTC
Post by Betty
I guess this secret group is about as successful as the two dreamed up
by BD's "friends". [g]
It sure is nice to have a BD-free zone, ain't it?

I think everyone would get along fine if everyone would just shun
the BD.
My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen banana. I said 'No, but
I want a regular banana later, so... yeah.' -Mitch Hedberg
2012-03-24 16:19:55 UTC
Post by G. Morgan
Post by Betty
I guess this secret group is about as successful as the two dreamed up
by BD's "friends". [g]
It sure is nice to have a BD-free zone, ain't it?
I think everyone would get along fine if everyone would just shun
the BD.
It isn't possible to have a BD-free zone ... or a Jenn-free zone on Usenet.

I do have a place where I don't have to see either one of them. I can
converse in peace with *nice*, educated, intelligent people. No
fighting, no back-biting, and ... best of all ... no false accusations
and no name-calling. It's a place they can never get into. It's great.
If *I* were smart, I'd go there and stay out of their cross-hairs.

I just wish I could take certain people with me, but I can't.
2012-03-24 16:21:38 UTC
Post by Betty
Post by G. Morgan
Post by Betty
I guess this secret group is about as successful as the two dreamed
up by BD's "friends". [g]
It sure is nice to have a BD-free zone, ain't it?
I think everyone would get along fine if everyone would just shun
the BD.
It isn't possible to have a BD-free zone ... or a Jenn-free zone on Usenet.
I do have a place where I don't have to see either one of them. I can
converse in peace with *nice*, educated, intelligent people. No
fighting, no back-biting, and ... best of all ... no false accusations
and no name-calling. It's a place they can never get into. It's great.
If *I* were smart, I'd go there and stay out of their cross-hairs.
I just wish I could take certain people with me, but I can't.
I imagine they aren't aware of how hateful you are.
2012-03-24 16:56:28 UTC
Post by Jenn
Post by Betty
Post by G. Morgan
Post by Betty
I guess this secret group is about as successful as the two dreamed
up by BD's "friends". [g]
It sure is nice to have a BD-free zone, ain't it?
I think everyone would get along fine if everyone would just shun
the BD.
It isn't possible to have a BD-free zone ... or a Jenn-free zone on Usenet.
I do have a place where I don't have to see either one of them. I can
converse in peace with *nice*, educated, intelligent people. No
fighting, no back-biting, and ... best of all ... no false accusations
and no name-calling. It's a place they can never get into. It's great.
If *I* were smart, I'd go there and stay out of their cross-hairs.
I just wish I could take certain people with me, but I can't.
I imagine they aren't aware of how hateful you are.
I've known the owner for years, Hateful Jenn. That's why you're here
right now ... to be as hateful as you can be. And if you continue your
quest, I will match you ... hate for hate. You are definitely not
helping yourself.
2012-03-24 17:05:19 UTC
Post by Betty
Post by Jenn
Post by Betty
Post by G. Morgan
Post by Betty
I guess this secret group is about as successful as the two dreamed
up by BD's "friends". [g]
It sure is nice to have a BD-free zone, ain't it?
I think everyone would get along fine if everyone would just shun
the BD.
It isn't possible to have a BD-free zone ... or a Jenn-free zone on Usenet.
I do have a place where I don't have to see either one of them. I can
converse in peace with *nice*, educated, intelligent people. No
fighting, no back-biting, and ... best of all ... no false accusations
and no name-calling. It's a place they can never get into. It's great.
If *I* were smart, I'd go there and stay out of their cross-hairs.
I just wish I could take certain people with me, but I can't.
I imagine they aren't aware of how hateful you are.
I've known the owner for years, Hateful Jenn. That's why you're here
right now ... to be as hateful as you can be. And if you continue your
quest, I will match you ... hate for hate. You are definitely not
helping yourself.
I don't hate you or anyone here. Never have. I don't equate
disagreement with hate.
2012-03-24 17:14:16 UTC
Post by Jenn
Post by Betty
Post by Jenn
Post by Betty
Post by G. Morgan
Post by Betty
I guess this secret group is about as successful as the two dreamed
up by BD's "friends". [g]
It sure is nice to have a BD-free zone, ain't it?
I think everyone would get along fine if everyone would just shun
the BD.
It isn't possible to have a BD-free zone ... or a Jenn-free zone on Usenet.
I do have a place where I don't have to see either one of them. I can
converse in peace with *nice*, educated, intelligent people. No
fighting, no back-biting, and ... best of all ... no false accusations
and no name-calling. It's a place they can never get into. It's great.
If *I* were smart, I'd go there and stay out of their cross-hairs.
I just wish I could take certain people with me, but I can't.
I imagine they aren't aware of how hateful you are.
I've known the owner for years, Hateful Jenn. That's why you're here
right now ... to be as hateful as you can be. And if you continue your
quest, I will match you ... hate for hate. You are definitely not
helping yourself.
I don't hate you or anyone here. Never have. I don't equate
disagreement with hate.
Then why are you here pushing hate? Upping the post count, are you?
2012-03-24 17:19:09 UTC
Post by Betty
Post by Betty
Post by Jenn
Post by Betty
Post by G. Morgan
Post by Betty
I guess this secret group is about as successful as the two dreamed
up by BD's "friends". [g]
It sure is nice to have a BD-free zone, ain't it?
I think everyone would get along fine if everyone would just shun
the BD.
It isn't possible to have a BD-free zone ... or a Jenn-free zone on Usenet.
I do have a place where I don't have to see either one of them. I can
converse in peace with *nice*, educated, intelligent people. No
fighting, no back-biting, and ... best of all ... no false accusations
and no name-calling. It's a place they can never get into. It's great.
If *I* were smart, I'd go there and stay out of their cross-hairs.
I just wish I could take certain people with me, but I can't.
I imagine they aren't aware of how hateful you are.
I've known the owner for years, Hateful Jenn. That's why you're here
right now ... to be as hateful as you can be. And if you continue your
quest, I will match you ... hate for hate. You are definitely not
helping yourself.
I don't hate you or anyone here. Never have. I don't equate
disagreement with hate.
Then why are you here pushing hate? Upping the post count, are you?
I'm objecting / protesting / letting everyone know what some of you are
really like.

I don't appreciate being the object of KKK type hate-mongering. I
haven't done that to any of you.
2012-03-31 21:28:19 UTC
Post by Betty
I guess this secret group is about as successful as the two dreamed up
by BD's "friends". [g]
Passing comment.

No hate.
"Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved
in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom
the bell tolls; it tolls for thee".
-John Donne (1572-1631)