Ping: Eagle - the info you wanted
(too old to reply)
Oldus Fartus
2013-03-20 05:08:23 UTC
It happens that Jenn formulated :


So family members are no longer off limits? Just need to be clear on
this Jenn.
Oldus Fartus
Oldus Fartus
2013-03-21 12:38:23 UTC
Seems jenn doesn't understand the idea of "thick skin". She seems to think
that it means insulting people without real cause. I mean, clearly she
hasn't grown any thicker skin, as evidenced by the whole water cooler,
"people are picking on me" nonsense, followed by days of "don't mention my
Funny you should mention the 'h' word. Looked back through some
threads from a year ago whilst on my sabbatical, and I found an
interesting thread to do with water heaters and husbands.

Not sure whether I'll share yet ...
Oldus Fartus
2013-03-21 12:58:38 UTC
Seems jenn doesn't understand the idea of "thick skin". She seems to
think that it means insulting people without real cause. I mean,
clearly she hasn't grown any thicker skin, as evidenced by the whole
water cooler, "people are picking on me" nonsense, followed by days of
"don't mention my husband".
Funny you should mention the 'h' word. Looked back through some threads
from a year ago whilst on my sabbatical, and I found an interesting
thread to do with water heaters and husbands.
Not sure whether I'll share yet ...
Exactly. What was so funny about that was that jenn kept mentioning
what Aardvark had said, even though she tended to misrepresent his
entire stance. Yet, she totally ignored what her alleged good friend
eagle said, that being that the mention of family made them fair game.
You don't imagine the bunch of them is operating under some sort of
double standard, do you?

2013-03-21 17:45:52 UTC
Post by SeaNymph
Post by Oldus Fartus
Seems jenn doesn't understand the idea of "thick skin". She seems to
think that it means insulting people without real cause. I mean,
clearly she hasn't grown any thicker skin, as evidenced by the whole
water cooler, "people are picking on me" nonsense, followed by days of
"don't mention my husband".
Funny you should mention the 'h' word. Looked back through some
threads from a year ago whilst on my sabbatical, and I found an
interesting thread to do with water heaters and husbands.
Not sure whether I'll share yet ...
Exactly. What was so funny about that was that jenn kept mentioning
what Aardvark had said, even though she tended to misrepresent his
entire stance.
So I've been led to believe.
Post by SeaNymph
Yet, she totally ignored what her alleged good friend
eagle said, that being that the mention of family made them fair game.
Heh. Surprised?
Post by SeaNymph
You don't imagine the bunch of them is operating under some sort of
double standard, do you?
Nah!!!!! Impossible.

Post by SeaNymph
LOL, indeed.
"I grabbed a pile of dust, and holding it up, foolishly asked for as many
birthdays as the grains of dust, I forgot to ask that they be years of
youth. "
-Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso (20 March 43 BC – AD 17/18))