Please Stop Pinging Me!
(too old to reply)
2012-04-04 02:51:15 UTC
I've been pinged till I turned into a blue brat. That's enough.
I am sending this (hopefully!) from my old IBM Aptiva with Windows 98
and Netscape 3.04.
Mind you, this *is* an experiment ... but ... if it works I may
stick to
it. This desk chair is a lot more comfortable than wherever I've been
I will now go downstairs to see what it looks like on a *real*
[g]<-- <grinning phreaking grinningly>
Ping ping ping -------->>>>>(This better work!)<<<<<<--------
That sounds lascivious to me. o_O
It does? I thought it just sounded silly. [g]
That "Ping: Betty" thread kept growing longer and longer, and no one
would change the subject ... till they finally did. But I already had
the joke ready so I used it anyway.
Looks like you are OK even with the tornados around you, Betty. Hope
your friends are OK, too.
Take your act on the road, Jenn, and leave me alone!!!!! I don't want
anything to do with your phony shit, and that's all this is, an act to
make you look good in front of your new club. I don't know how to make
it any clearer to you. I don't want to get along with you. I don't like
you. I don't want to have anything to do with you, and you will not
force me to. You have tried, and probably succeeded, in your goal to
smear me, and I will NOT forgive you.

What you did was done with malicious, vicious intent on your part. You
did it on purpose without thought to the consequences. You are still at
it so your act will not work except on the dumb people you are able to
fool. That does not include me.

Stop following me and leave me alone!!

Leave me alone!!
2012-04-04 03:22:38 UTC
Post by Betty
I've been pinged till I turned into a blue brat. That's enough.
I am sending this (hopefully!) from my old IBM Aptiva with Windows 98
and Netscape 3.04.
Mind you, this *is* an experiment ... but ... if it works I may
stick to
it. This desk chair is a lot more comfortable than wherever I've been
I will now go downstairs to see what it looks like on a *real*
[g]<-- <grinning phreaking grinningly>
Ping ping ping -------->>>>>(This better work!)<<<<<<--------
That sounds lascivious to me. o_O
It does? I thought it just sounded silly. [g]
That "Ping: Betty" thread kept growing longer and longer, and no one
would change the subject ... till they finally did. But I already had
the joke ready so I used it anyway.
Looks like you are OK even with the tornados around you, Betty. Hope
your friends are OK, too.
Take your act on the road, Jenn, and leave me alone!!!!!
When it comes down to people in real life facing tornados, usenet means
nothing. I am glad you're OK and I hope your friends are OK, too.
Post by Betty
I don't want
anything to do with your phony shit, and that's all this is, an act to
make you look good in front of your new club. I don't know how to make
it any clearer to you. I don't want to get along with you. I don't like
you. I don't want to have anything to do with you, and you will not
force me to. You have tried, and probably succeeded, in your goal to
smear me, and I will NOT forgive you.
What you did was done with malicious, vicious intent on your part. You
did it on purpose without thought to the consequences. You are still at
it so your act will not work except on the dumb people you are able to
fool. That does not include me.
Stop following me and leave me alone!!
Leave me alone!!
If you post something where I read/post, and I want to respond to it,
I'm going to respond Betty. Deal with it.