Post by latitude11Post by Dan AbelI found the site inspirational. It also puts a twist on why Dex left
Courtney. On her site, Courtney admits that she had a very serious drug
problem that was ruining her life, and making things bad for those around
I hit rock bottom with speed. In January of 1995 my dad died of
diabetes. Four months later my boyfriend left me after a terrible drug
fueled fight. One week later my best friend was murdered. I slipped
into a deeper depression. It took almost a year of me clawing my way
up and out until I found the strength to leave the dope behind. How? A
lot of prayer.. a lot of crying.. Determination, faith and an intense
desire to change my life.
End Quote
I met Dex in 1997.. long after.
That makes sense, since I remember the interview you gave post d'ex
where you stated you weren't into 'the kind of partying' the others were
that fateful night when explaining why you weren't with them.
I'm also glad I saw your new website. I think you're a person of great
courage to allow your struggle to be 'on display'. I'm a big guy
myself, and haven't much cared one way or the other, except that now I
have two young children and I feel it impacts on my raising and
interacting with them. For the first time in my life, I feel I should
lose weight. I'm drawing a little inspiration from your new site.